To coincide with VICENZAORO SEPTEMBER, scheduled in Vicenza from 22rd to 26th September 2018, Vicenza Restaurateurs will be welcoming visitors and exhibitors with special GOLD MENUS just for them, with samples of local products and the culinary traditions of Vicenza and particular special proposals created specifically for the occasion.
By showing your Exhibition Centre entry badge in any of the restaurants adhering to the initiative, you will receive a GOLD welcome! The lunch or dinner menus featuring the very best of local cuisine will have two price ranges: from Euro 30-40 and from Euro 41-50.
The initiative is organized by Restaurateurs – Confcommercio Vicenza in collaboration with VicenzaOro.
Below is a list of the various proposals with the relative telephone numbers of the restaurants where you can book your GOLD table.
Price range euro 30,00 - 40,00
TRATTORIA ALLA VECIA PRIARA SAS (VILLABALZA DI ARCUGNANO - Via San Nicolò 41/43 - 0444273017 - allaveciapriara@libero.it)
Appetizers: beef carpaccio with a selection of mushrooms and Parmesan cheese flakes
First course: pappardelle with hare sauce
Main course: slices of sucking pig with truffle
Dessert: homemade tiramisu
TRATTORIA AI CELIBI (ARCUGNANO - Via Spianzana, 3 - 0444270308 - giampmazz@gmail.com)
Appetizers: homemade grilled salami sausage on a bed of wild rampion and lard from Colonnata
First course: duck liver raviolini in chicken broth
Secondo piatto: our speciality (mixed boiled meats from the trolley with sauces, homemade pickles and vegetables)
Dessert: homemade dessert of the day
RISTORANTE PIZZERIA LA CASCINA (CREAZZO - Via Risorgimento, 5 - 0444341242 - e.fardo@alice.it)
Appetizers: local sopressa salami
First course: bigoli with duck sauce
Main course: fillet steak in a green pepper sauce
Dessert: tiramisù
TRATTORIA TRE SCALINI (CREAZZO - Via Crosara, 12 - 0444520780 - eddygirardello@gmail.com)
Appetizers: cured meat with fresh Treviso radicchio - sopressa salami and our home-produced grilled salami sausage
First course: savoury pancakes with Filaro broccoli, bigoli with titbits and gnocchi with mushrooms
Main course: Vicenza-style salt cod, entrecote steak, chops, sirloin steak, grilled chicken, fillet steak
Dessert: crème brulée, apple and pear dessert, tiramisu, panna cotta
OSTERIA MADONNETTA (MAROSTICA - Via Vajenti, 21 - 042475859 - info@osteriamadonnetta.it)
Appetizers: Marostica goose appetizer
First course: bigoli with duck sauce
Main course: roast rabbit
Dessert: macafame (local recipe)
ANTICA OSTERIA AL TIGLIO (QUINTO VICENTINO - Via Martiri della Libertà, 5 - 0444357700 - cocco-sara@virgilio.it)
Appetizers: squid and octopus salad with crunchy vegetables
First course: fresh tagliatelle with half a lobster
Main course: Vicenza-style salt cod
Dessert: crème brulée
TRATTORIA CAISSA (MAROSTICA - Corso Mazzini, 104 - 0424472393 - info@trattoriacaissa.it)
Appetizers: topside rolls on a bed of mixed salad with aioli sauce
First course: Berici Hill truffle-flavoured nuggets from Rotzo and prawns
Main course: Robespierre steak on a bed of Treviso radicchio
Dessert: crème brulée cup with crunchy cane sugar
SCHIO HOTEL (SCHIO - Via Campagnola, 21/A - 0445675611 - info@schiohotel.it)
Appetizers: hot Marano corn polenta nest with Valli del Pasubio sopressa salami and Asiago cheese
First course: barley risotto with porcini mushrooms, Asiago speck and chestnuts
Main course: la brasola col pien (stuffed pork chop, local recipe)
Dessert: homemade tiramisu
HOTEL RIST. PIZZERIA WELLVESS (VALDAGNO - Via Copernico, 10 - 0445401487 - info@rosapurpurea.it)
Appetizers: crunchy creamed salt cod and pink pepper creamed potatoes
First course: scallop and prawn raviolo with shredded courgettes and lumpfish roe
Main course: tuna steak with seared sesame and stir-fried green beans
Dessert: berry charlotte with liquorice cream
BIER STUBE TREFF (VICENZA - Viale Verona, 93 - 0444563064 - fiorenzopialli@libero.it)
Appetizers: the huntsman's cold cuts
First course: spinach spatle
Main course: Bier Stube dish
Dessert: kaiserschmarren
L'OFFICINA WINE BAR RESTAURANT SAS (VICENZA - Via Pasi, 35/37 - 04441870621 - officinawinebar@gmail.com)
A' la carte menu (meat and fish)
RISTORANTE ALL. VILLA BONIN (S. GOTTARDO DI ZOVENCEDO - Via Villa Porto, 2/A - 04441893035 - info@ristorantealloggiovillabonin.it)
Appetizers: Venetian-style appetizer
First course: black gold risotto
Main course: selection of traditional Vicenza dishes
Dessert: selection of homemade desserts
VILLA BASSI RISTORANTE ENOTECA (ZUGLIANO - Via Chiesa, 4 - 0445344506 - info@villabassienoteca.it)
Appetizers: Fiolaro broccoli flan with home-marinated duck breast and melted cheese
First course: pappardelle either with homemade meat sauce or plain or with herbs
Main course: suckling pig cheek braised in Breganze red wine, Marano corn polenta and vegetables
Dessert: selection of our desserts
LA FRACANZANA (MONTEBELLO VICENTINO - Via Fracanzana, 3 - 04446495216 - lafracanzana@gmail.com)
Appetizers: pumpkin flan on a bed of melted Taleggio cheese
First course: lasagna with broccoli
Main course: radicchio stuffed Turkey
Dessert: home made Tiramisu
Price range euro 41,00 - 50,00
TRATTORIA ZAMBONI (LAPIO DI ARCUGNANO - Via Santa Croce, 73 - 0444273079 - info@trattoriazamboni.it)
Appetizers: Fiolaro broccoli flan on a light bed of melted Asiago cheese
First course: duck and chanterelle mushroom lasagne
Main course: guinea-fowl breast with chestnuts
Dessert: caramelized puff filled with vanilla and pomegranate cream
RISTORANTE B38 - BONOTTO HOTEL (BASSANO DEL GRAPPA - Via delle Fosse, 1 - 0424524988 - info@ristoranteb38.it)
Appetizers: pasture-raised chopped beef with blue cheese sauce, potato sandwich and Cantabrian anchovies
First course: artichoke and saffron tortelli with braised New Zealand lamb
Main course: sirloin of venison with berries and Tropa onion preserve
Dessert: pistacchio-flavoured panna cotta with liquorice and cereals
TRATTORIA DE GOBBI (CREAZZO - Via Olmo, 52 - 0444520509 - trattoriadegobbi@gmail.com)
Appetizers: polenta with mushrooms and sopressa salami
First course: bigoli with duck sauce
Main course: Vicenza-style salt cod
Dessert: homemade tiramisu
LISCA NERA DELLE EOLIE DI ORO EUGENIO (MONTEVIALE - Via Ca' Nova, 23 - 0444552234 - liscaneradelleeolie@yahoo.it)
Appetizers: roast octopus with black Etra chickpeas
First course: homemade tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms
Main course: guinea-fowl stuffed with black Berici Hill truffle
Dessert: caramelized puff filled with vanilla and strawberry cream
RISTORANTE STORIONE (VICENZA - S.S.Pasubio, 64 - 0444566244 - info@ristorantestorione.it)
Appetizers: festival of steamed seafood
First course: tagliatelle with red mullet
Main course: filet of sea bass, Mediterranean-style
Dessert: tiramisù cup
TRATTORIA ALBERGO ISETTA (VAL LIONA GRANCONA - Via Pederiva, 96 - 0444889521 - info@trattoriaalbergoisetta.it)
Appetizers: Parmesan flan with baked Treviso radicchio and creamed salt cod with Biancaperla corn
First course: truffled potato gnocchi with a cheese and truffle filling
Main course: beef cheek braised in red wine with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables
Dessert: our three-custard homemade trifle
RISTORANTE DA REMO (VICENZA - ViaCaimpenta, 14 - 04445911007 - ristorantedaremo@hotmail.it)
Appetizers: Treviso radicchio and melted Asiago cheese tartlet
First course: pumpkin and almond tortelli
Main course: pot-roast rabbit with yellow polenta
Dessert: mint and liquorice semifreddo
IL TINELLO DINE DINNER (VICENZA - Corso Padova, 181 - 3285333389 - iltinellovicenza@gmail.com)
Appetizers: poached egg with Parmesan cheese sauce and truffle
First course: citrus aroma risotto
Main course: sliced Argentine steak
Dessert: white chocolate cube with a berry centre